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孙韬 (1969—)中国美术家协会会员、俄罗斯美术家协会会员、国际美术家协会会员、中国油画学会会员、中国壁画学会理事、中国建筑学会会员,现任教于中央美术学院壁画系,副教授,曾担任基础部副主任、壁画系副主任,中央美术学院在读博士、国家公派俄罗斯列宾美术学院在读博士。1989年毕业于中央美院附中,并考入中央美院壁画系。1989年由国家选派赴前苏联列宁格勒列宾美术学院攻读硕士学位。孙韬学习于前苏联人民艺术家、美术研究院院士梅尔尼科夫先生工作室。并于1996年以全优的成绩毕业,获硕士学位。在列宾美院留学期间他曾获得列宾美院最高奖项:1995年获当年学院授予的唯一素描嘉奖,此奖项已四十年未授给外国留学生;1994年他于莫斯科参加“国际美术家协会”。主要获奖:2004年参加全国首届壁画大展,获大奖。2004年《逐日》参加第十届全国美展,获铜奖。专著:《俄罗斯素描技法》、《涅瓦回望—记列宾美术学院绘画系》、《镶嵌壁画材料技法》、《解构人体》。个人画籍:《当代名家素描画典—孙韬素描作品集》、《当代名家油画精品--孙韬》、《从列宾美院走来—孙韬、叶南绘画作品集》、《新视野速写丛书—孙韬速写》、《中国油画家—孙韬油画写生》重要收藏:2001年《本色》等6张作品被中国美术馆收藏,2005年《母与子》(达芬奇原作复制品)等8件于俄罗斯阿尔米塔什博物馆临摹的古典大师的原作复制品被中国美术馆收藏。^_^Sun Tao(1969—)Member of China Artist Association, member of Russia Artist Association,member of International Artist Association,member of China oil Painting Society,member of China Wall Painting Society,member of China Architectural Society,associate professor of the Department of Wall Painting of China Central Academy of Fine Arts Graduated from the Attached High School of Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1989. Then he was admitted after examination into the Department of Wall Painting of the Central Academy of Fine Arts. In 1989,he was sent by the Chinese government to study as a Master’s degree candidate in the Former Soviet Union Leningrad Lebin Academy of Fine Arts. He studied in the studio of Mernicoff ,a famous people’s artist of former Soviet Union and academician of the Art Research Institute. He graduated with straight As in 1996 and received a Master’s degree. During his studying abroad,he won the highest award of Lebin Academy of Fine Arts. He received the only award in the sketch category of the institute in 1995. And the award had not been given to a foreigner for 40 years. In 1994,he joined the “International Artist Association” in Moscow. In 2004, he participated in the “1st National Wall Painting Exhibition” and won an important award. In 2004, his “Chasing the Sun” won the “Bronze Award” of the 10th National Art Exhibition. In 2005, his “Mother and Son”(a duplicate of the original by Da Vinci) and other 7 duplicates of original work by classic artists in Armitash Museum of Russia were collected by the National Art Museum of China.(Lot 141)
